Hi! I'm Andy Christiawan, an Interactive front-end developer and DevOps.
Focus on creative interaction and slick user interfaces.
You can email: bungandy[at]gmail.com

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Find the best wifi channel for your router

Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale

Apt-get connecting to ‘security.ubuntu.com’

ProFTPD on Ubuntu killed unexpectedly

OwlCarousel centered highlight

Fixing Compass after update to El Capitan OSX 10.11

Install Homebrew Issue with Curl SSL certificate problem

Increase Import Size Limit in phpMyAdmin

Compass Style error on OSX Yosemite

XAMPP’s MySQL on OSX Yosemite

Re-enable the Apple-provided Java SE 6 web plug-in and Web Start functionality

Mcrypt PHP extension for Laravel in XAMPP Mac

DHCP to a Static IP Address Ubuntu